Claro Walnut Rollerball with Copper Highlights

Claro Walnut Rollerball with Copper Highlights

Regular price $150.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $150.00 USD
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Claro Walnut is one of the most sought after woods for decorative pieces, but it has the unfortunate characteristic that it is often filled with voids and knots, making it difficult to work with.  This bronze and pewter piece uses Claro Walnut for the barrel and accents it with metallic copper highlights in what would have been the natural voids within the wood.  The wood is complex with excellent chatoyancy, which is the name that we give to a quality in which wood or stone, when illuminated by a ray of light bouncing at just the right angle, gives the three dimensional appearance of depth within the wood with a a similar effect as a cat's eye.  The darkness of the wood gives off an understated elegance, as if waiting for the right moment to spring the complexity of the wood onto an observer as a ray of light bounces off the complex shapes within it. The rollerball insert is of the highest quality with a ceramic ball for smooth writing and continuous ink flow.
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